Dit zou iedereen dikwijls moeten lezen

Dit zou iedereen dikwijls moeten lezen

Dank zij relaties en de inzet van vele mensen, is het ons (mij en Rini) gelukt om een zeer hoogwaardige koi aan te kopen. U zult deze koi ongetwijfeld in de loop van het jaar nog meerdere keren kunnen zien in het gezelschap van ons troeteldiertje Clarissa. Die doet het iedere dag beter en beter.

Wat zeer speciaal is, en wat ik los heb kunnen krijgen van de kweker en van de vorige eigenaar is hun visie of hun beoordeling van ShibaZakura, onze nieuwe aanwinst. Ik ken Yamatoya San persoonlijk en heb altijd zeer veel respect gehad voor deze bloedeerlijke kweker. Zijn naam is niet Yamatoya, maar eigenlijk Kimiho Shiraishi, en hij woont in de Shimane-Prefecture in Japan. De beoordeling is in het Japans gemaakt door Dhr. Shiraishi en is nadien vertaald door Brian Sousa, die eigenaar was van deze koi. In het tweede stuk komt er nog een beoordeling door Brian zelf van deze dame.

Op de bijgevoegde foto's ziet u ook de ouders en grootouders van ShibaZakura.

Shiraishi San:

I don’t have the resources to grow out Jumbo tosai via overwinter heating and accelerated feeding as some of the bigger koi farms are able to, so I have to rely on old-fashioned methods. As tosai, shiba was about 25 cm going into the winter and even without normal feeding she was able to grow quite a bit, so I understood that she was quite a powerful koi in terms of growth potential. As nisai, she was passed over by more than a few buyers due to her lack of a “traditional” pattern, but Brian saw her potential and remarked at the quality of her shiroji. She has been raised using natural methods, so she has not been forced to grow yet she has grown admirably each year never failing to add volume without losing her shape. You’d probably be hard pressed to find many koi in Japan sharing this body shape, one which I would say is close to perfect. In judging koi, the body is awarded 50 points, the pattern 30, and color 20. Shiba would get 50 points from most experienced judges. The pattern is a matter of taste and some people might not care for it too much. Still, it is quite a round pattern...one that is quite unique and not easily grown tired of.

I have not used color-enhancing food to brighten her colors up, as I believe that it ultimately ruins the beni. We tend to favor the shiroji here in Japan, so I try and focus on preserving that and keeping it in good shape. The beni is still growing with this kohaku and will grow into a deeper red once it stops growing. Shiba is still quite powerful and if raised correctly from here on out can easily go over 90 cm.

Brian Sousa:

I first saw this kohaku in the autumn 2003. She was one of three that was bowled up for my inspection. She was the smallest of the three and didn’t have the most orthodox pattern of the three either, but I admired the quality of her shiroji and the power of her swimming style. Something clicked between us at that time and I told the breeder that I would buy her within about 3 minutes of first inspection. Her shiroji looked like an egg-shell under a weak fluorescent light and I had a feeling that it would not only keep that quality but also improve over time. The beni looked quite elastic and was of a high quality. I felt very confident that it would stretch without losing it’s consistency as the sashi was of a nice, even depth as good as any I’d ever seen. Most of all though, it was her frame that impressed me. A very sturdy platform for growth and this combined with the way she carried herself made me willing to gamble on a koi that most people probably wouldn’t have bought at this size.

Seeing her the next year, my confidence was confirmed as she had developed to my expectations with an almost eerie accuracy of the mental vision I had formed of what she would look like at the next harvest. Her body had stretched and put on girth and her pattern became more and more desirable (with every passing year) Her development wasn’t hurried, but it was indeed very certain. When I saw each each successive autumn, she had become much more commanding and she was easily noticeable from her peers swimming around her in her body shape and the regal manner with which she swims. I particularly love watching her swim by with her left side facing me as she shows the off both that beautiful beni marking that covers her head and upper back as well as that long swatch of wonderful quality shiroji. Seeing these two attributes clearly delineated but together in a powerful swaying motion always commands my attention to give her the respect that she deserves as an impressive lady.

There are other things that I pick up on when choosing koi, some of which are hard to describe and I just like to describe it as an innate “gut-feeling.” I’ve done quite well with Shibazakura and am pleased at her development and enjoyed watching her grow over the years. Whomever she goes to now will no doubt be quite pleased with her, and I think that she deserves her chance at a high-level show in the near future. I will be watching her story continue to unfold from all the way over here with great interest and affection.

Ik hoop dat jullie evenveel plezier hebben aan die soort informatie als Rini en Ikzelf. Verder hoop ik ook dat jullie Shiba en Clarissa verder zullen ondersteunen.

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