Problemen met transport

Problemen met transport

Voor zover ik op dit ogenblik weet zijn er nog steeds problemen met het transport vanuit Japan.

Ik krijg de Sekiguchi showa maar niet geleverd, en het enige wat ik kan doen is je de mail van Brian laten lezen. Ik hoop op jullie begrip, want ik kan toch stellen dat het overmacht is. In deze mail stond ook iets volledig nieuw, wat misschien interessant is voor de mensen die dit soort nieuwtjes graag vernemen, het is dus vers van de pers:

I was waiting for confirmation before replying and just got that a few moments ago. My agent had another shipment cancelled yesterday due to the volcano, and he is in a panic about taking new orders in. Either way, I have to get the shipments out and can't work with him like this. What I have done is contacted another freight company here that handles live animals and I will try to arrange shipping through them. I have also been in touch with Rene on your side with regards to paperwork, etc. to make sure everything goes smoothly.

BTW, I took a day trip to Momotaro yesterday to photograph tosai for an American client. Looked for your customers koi as you asked, but it had been moved. Those 4 x 100 ton ponds are filled with earth now and they are experimenting with putting fry in them. It sure looked weird, but I guess we'll know in a month or two whether or not it worked as hoped.

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